Upcoming Events |
CCD begins on Wednesday, September 11, 2024
In-person class on September 11, 2024 only
2024-2025 CCD Registration
Registration for our 2024-2025 Religious Education Program (C.C.D.) is being taken at this time. The program is open to ACTIVE parishioners only (those who regularly attend weekly Mass and use envelopes for collection). NEW students can register at parish office during office hours. A baptismal certificate and $150.00 fee are required to register. If a new student is entering a grade other than first, proof of religious education at their former parish is required. Registration forms are available in the parish office. Re-registrations received after August 1, 2024, will incur a late fee of $25 per student. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 732 – 254 – 0212.
2024-2025 Registration Form
Children’s Mass
The Liturgy is essential in the faith formation of our children. To help nourish and guide their spiritual growth, a Children’s Mass will be celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of every month at 9:00 am. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is open to children of all ages. We encourage children in our parish to attend with their families to share God’s Word.
Children's Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, September 8, 2024 and Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 9:00 am.
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Welcome to St. Stan's
Jenn Taylor
Director of Religious Education
E-mail: jtaylor@sskparish.org
St. Stan's Relgious Education program will be a flipped classroom approach for the coming year. The program will consist of:
- Completing a chapter in the book at home each week and taking an online quiz after each chapter. Quizzes must be completed by Friday of each week CCD is scheduled.
- Attending weekend Mass at least 15 times between September 11, 2024, and April 30, 2025. Students must sign in at the back of the church before Mass begins. At least one parent must accompany children to Mass. Children may not be dropped off for Mass by themselves.
- Families will also be required to participate in 4 family gatherings from a list of events that will occur between September and April. The events will be announced in advance on the CCD website and in the bulletin. E-mails will also be sent to each family.
CCD will begin on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. All students must attend the first class in person in the school at 4:30 pm. At this time, they will receive detailed instructions regarding learning from home and they will receive their religion book. There will also be a short parent meeting at 5:30 pm on the same day to discuss the details of the program.